ChemSky Video Page
Note: the complete video archive is available on the ChemSky YouTube channel
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Chemspray Over Lakeville, MN April 29, 2018
A low-flying short sprayer. The residue here is not meant to stick, so it's tough to say that this spray is being used to block the sun's rays, to lessen global warming.
Chemspray Over Lakeville, MN July 7, 2016 - pt 1
Chemspray Over Lakeville, MN May 6, 2018
Four spray planes appear in this one short video within five minutes time. A new sprayer keeps flying into the shot as the other plane leaves.
Compare this video with the one below to see how this chemtrail did NOT dissipate on a warm July day, but instead grew wider and just hung in the air.
Chemspray Over Lakeville, MN July 7, 2016 - pt 2
Compare this video with the one above. It will show how this was made. Now you see it for what it is, chemicals hanging in the air, not water vapor.
If the government is truly spraying to stop global warming , then why would they spray on a day when mother nature has already created an overcast sky?
Chemspray Over Lakeville, MN May 30, 2016
Chemspray Over Lakeville, MN May 27, 2016
If you never knew about or believed in aerial spraying before, this may convince you. This is a criminal act, spraying the populace with toxic chemicals.
Chemspray Over Lakeville, MN May 27, 2016
These trails clearly do not dissipate like a normal jet contrail. Instead, they linger in the air and spread out, getting thicker, rather than disappearing.
Chemspray Over Lakeville, MN April 22, 2016
Some chemtrails are very long and some are short, possibly indicative of a different type of aerosol or chemical being dispersed. The interesting thing is, even the shortest lines do not resemble the contrails of the 1960 and 70s.
Chemspray Over Lakeville, MN March 12, 2016
A thick new trail coming directly over the top of our house. People need to start recognizing the distinct difference between normal jet contrails and chemtrails.
Chemspray Over Lakeville, MN March 12, 2016
Before you start this video, notice that the line from the previous video is still visible, but now wider. This actually can create global warming because it holds the heat in.
For more chemtrail video see our YouTube Channel
The following video was shot with a 16-megapixel HD camera using automatic exposure. All video shot by

Demand an End to the Spraying

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Chemspray Over Lakeville, MN May 31, 2019
Another day and more spray. This is clearly a long-sprayer, which is meant to stick and make long trails.

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